The Course

Dive deep into the mystical world with our engaging live online sessions that unwrap the fascinating secrets of Western gnosis and esoteric traditions. From the ancient wisdom of the Gnostics to the arcane rituals of the Hermetic Order, this course is a treasure trove for those seeking to understand the hidden forces that shape our reality. Uncover the symbology found in sacred texts, learn how to interpret esoteric philosophies, and explore the profound connections between spiritual practices and consciousness expansion.

As you journey through the course, you'll be equipped with the knowledge to apply these ancient truths to modern life. Imagine enhancing your personal growth, unlocking creative insights, or even transforming your approach to challenges by tapping into esoteric principles. This isn't just about historical knowledge; it's about gaining practical tools for self-discovery and empowerment. By the end of this course, you'll not only have a robust understanding of Western esotericism, but you'll also have a set of mystical keys to unlock new pathways in your personal and professional endeavors.

What you will learn

I started crafting this course with a clear vision in mind – to make the profound and often complex world of Western esotericism and gnosis accessible and engaging for beginners like you. It's been meticulously designed to guide you step by step through the foundational concepts, helping you to build a solid understanding while exploring these mystical traditions. The content is organized to ensure you grasp the basics before moving on to more intricate teachings. You'll discover how this knowledge can offer personal insight and spiritual growth, all within an interactive, supportive environment. Plus, I've made sure that the resources are practical and helpful, so you can easily integrate what you've learned into your everyday life. Trust me, you'll come away from this well-structured journey with a toolbox of esoteric concepts and practices that can truly enhance your understanding of yourself and the world around you.


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Your instructor

Rui Lomelino de Freitas, distinguished scholar and passionate educator, orchestrates the study and exploration of Western esoteric traditions as a tenured professor and researcher at the Universidade Lusófona. At the helm of the Research Line in Gnosis and Western Esotericism and the Postgraduate Program in Masonic Studies, he guides students through the complexities of Esoteric Western thought and Gnostic Christianity within the Master’s degree in the Science of Religions. His recent publication, "Os Manifestos Rosacruzes," adds to an extensive repertoire of contributions to the field, showcasing his dedication to advancing understanding and appreciation of esoteric knowledge.

Beyond his academic pursuits, Rui Lomelino de Freitas actively engages with the broader scholarly and cultural community, collaborating with prestigious entities such as the University of Lisbon, the Calouste Gulbenkian Museum, and the European Society for the Study of Western Esotericism, further evidencing his commitment to the dissemination of esoteric wisdom. His well-received Advanced Training Course in Gnosis and Western Esotericism, now in its 5th edition, underscores his unwavering passion for teaching and deep connection to the esoteric currents, not just as areas of study, but as living traditions that continue to enlighten seeking minds.


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